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Permanent Committee

The board of Directors of Jordan's General Company for Silos and Supply has a number of permanent committees, namely:

  • Audit committee

    The tasks of this committee are to study the company's general budget and balance sheet before presenting it to the board of directors, and to audit all financial matters of the company that are of its interest .
  • Human Resources committees:

    • The first Human Resources Committee and its tasks are the selection and appointment of employees of the first and second categories, their promotion, adjustment of their status and termination of their services.
    • The second Human Resources Committee and its tasks are the selection and appointment of employees of the third and fourth categories, their promotion, adjustment of their status and termination of their services.
  • Main purchasing committee / works and technical services

    The tasks of this committee are to issue purchase decisions and works worth no more than one million dinars.
  • Main purchasing committee / supplies and services

    The tasks of this committee are to purchase supplies and services worth no more than five hundred thousand dinars, prepare tender conditions, study them and placement by referral to the most appropriate supplier.
  • Incentives and Rewards Committee

    The tasks of this committee are to approve rewards or incentives that are granted to employees, either collectively or individually, for outstanding efforts or actions that are of great benefit to the company.
  • Risk Management Committee

    The tasks of this committee are to review the company's risk management policies and strategies and develop policies and procedures for managing various types of risks.